Original Research

The communicative performance of a severely hearing-impaired adolescent

Ann Russel
South African Journal of Communication Disorders | Vol 28, No 1 | a348 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajcd.v28i1.348 | © 1981 Ann Russel | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 November 1981 | Published: 11 November 1981

About the author(s)

Ann Russel, Psychological and Guidance Services, Cape Education Department, Cape Town, South Africa

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This study describes the communicative performance of a severely hearing-impaired adolescent.The experimenter taught the subject how to play Russian Backgammon. The subject conversed with, and afterwards taught his mother, speech therapist, and a peer how to play the game. Each dyad played the game once. Videotape recordings were made of each dyadic situation. The channels of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, used by each speaker, were determined. A relational communication coding scheme, involving the analysis of requests and subsequent responses, was applied to the data. Results indicate that the hearing-impaired adolescent, though not always able to hold a dominant position in a dyadic situation, was capable of expressing the same types of control as normal adults. Moreover, the types of control expressed varied as a function of each contextual setting. Whenever the subject did hold a dominant position, the combined verbal plus nonverbal channel was his predominant mode of  communication. These findings  suggest that a sociolinguistic approach provides important information regarding a hearing-impaired adolescent's communicative performance.


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