Original Research
Inappropriate sexual behaviours experienced by Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists in South Africa
South African Journal of Communication Disorders | Vol 53, No 1 | a195 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajcd.v53i1.195
| © 2019 Karen Levin, Loren Traub
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 07 October 2016 | Published: 31 December 2006
Submitted: 07 October 2016 | Published: 31 December 2006
About the author(s)
Karen Levin, University of the Witwatersrand, South AfricaLoren Traub, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Full Text:
PDF (576KB)Abstract
The experience of inappropriate sexual behaviours (ISB) by healthcare professionals has been identified internationally as a serious issue. This study investigated the extent of ISB directed towards speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists (SLP/As) in South Africa. As well as the sources and the effects of ISB, the responses of the SLP/As, and the perceptions of the SLP/As with regard to their ability to manage ISB experiences. Fifty-six qualified SLP/As and 62 student SLP/As completed a questionnaire based on similar studies conducted in Canada and New Zealand. Most of the respondents had experienced ISB, mostly of a mild to moderate nature, at some point in their careers, and some had experienced severe ISB in the workplace. ISB occurred in a variety of work contexts. The sources of ISB included clients and/or their family members, as well as colleagues and employers. A range of personal and work-related effects resulted and the respondents took the least assertive strategy' in the management of their ISB experiences. The results reflected that SLP/As in South Africa are poorly informed with regard to their legal rights and responsibilities, as well as strategies to deal with unwanted sexually related experiences. ISB ought to be recognised as a serious issue in clinical practice in South Africa by SLP/As, professional bodies as well as training institutions. The results are in line with previous research on ISB experiences by SLP/As and other healthcare professionals.
sexual harassment; speech pathology and audiology; professional-patient relationships
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